Thursday 18 July 2019

5 Steps to Follow in the Event of a Laboratory Fume Hood Accident

The significance of laboratory fume hood safety cannot be minimized. And, when it comes to protecting those who work with volatile or toxic compounds and chemicals, enough cannot be said about following fume hood safety guidelines.


In this article, we observe why accidents happen, steps to take when one does occur, and ways to prevent an accident from happening:

Reasons Accidents Happen

If you search laboratory accidents concerning fume hoods, the results will show that they generally happen for one of the following five reasons:
  • Insufficient supervision
  • Inadequate training
  • Improper safety procedures
  • Lack of proper safety equipment
  • Safety procedures were not followed
Seldomly, there is a problem with the laboratory fume hood, but this is uncommon.

Serious injury or even death can happen in labs where chemicals are involved.

Steps to Take in an Accident

Step 1 – Respond to Laboratory Accident

First and foremost, it is crucial to take any and all measures to protect individuals working in the laboratory…contain any spills, put out any fires, attend to the injured, if necessary, evacuate the area, and contact emergency services.

Step 2 – Study the Reason of the Laboratory Accident

It is important to study the accident as soon as possible. This helps to prevent the loss of important information and possible witnesses forgetting vital details. It is imperative to study whether equipment worked properly if safety measures were followed, and what aspects may have played a role in the accident.

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