Thursday, 19 July 2018

Moving Locations? Now’s the Time to Update Your Lab Equipment

While working in a laboratory, you have your space set up just as you want it to be. You have your chemicals in one area, a workstation in another, etc. Great care is placed on where items are located and how the lab is set up. Whether you are in charge of your own labor you are moving with a company to a new location, it can be beneficial to update your lab equipment and consider a new design.
Moving to a new location is a great time in which to make changes to the setup of your labOf course, you can bring any materials with you, such as cabinetry, fume hoods and the like, but the way you set up your lab should be considered to the last detail. If you are able, take a look at the space for the lab before moving in. Use a piece of paper to roughly sketch the space, including any furniture or installations that will remain in place.
This sketch can then be looked at back at your existing lab to be able to determine what you will need or how you will set up space. Take for example, if you have been working in a small environment. You will only have limited furnishings and lab equipment. If you are moving into a larger space, you can order more organization tools such as cabinets and storage containers, as well as a larger setup for experiment space, such as with your fume hoods and accessories.
By learning more about your new space and jotting down an image and information, you can be prepared to move in, creating the lab you have always wanted. Take time to look at your options when moving to a new location so you can start your work in a new space ready to succeed.
Give us a call today to find out what type of equipment we can provide to better serve your laboratory work needs.

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